Senior boy

Tyler's Senior Session

I have had some awesome photo shoots the past few weeks and Tyler's was definitely one of them. We talked and laughed and photographed. When I uploaded the photos I thought I only had about 2 photos with a big smile but to my surprise I had a lot! He has a great serious look and I favor serious photos, so I was happy but Mom and Dad's really like the big smiles, I have featured a few smiles here in the blog. He looks so handsome, I especially like the way his hair frames his face.Tyler_Blog01Tyler_Blog02Tyler Emmerson, Senior Portraits,Tyler_Blog03Tyler_Blog04Tyler_Blog05Tyler_Blog06Tyler_Blog07Tyler_Blog08   

Zach's Senior Session

So happy to be catching up on my posts and sharing my photo shoots. This was such a beautiful morning in West Linn, sometimes I can't believe I live here, it looks like a vacation spot and Zach looks so happy and relaxed. Zach is a amazing swimmer and photographing him along the river just seemed so right. Enjoy Zach's photos.Zach_Blog01Zach_Blog02Zach_Blog03Zach_Blog04Zach_Blog05Zach_Blog06Zach_Blog07Zach_Blog08   

Tristan's Senior Session

I finally found a moment to update my blog and I am happy to share the brilliant photo shoot I had with Tristan a few weeks back, the sun was shining, we were laughing, having a great time, capturing awesome photos of him.  I really enjoyed getting to know Tristan and his mom more. And I love it when the senior boys where a suit, it adds such an nice element to the photo and he is just so handsome in it!Tristan-Blog Collage-1414015641866Tristan_Facebook2Tristan_Blog1Tristan-Blog Collage-1414016677602Tristan_Blog2Tristan_Sneakpeek1abcTristan Rath, Senior Portraits,Tristan_Blog4Tristan_Blog5Tristan_Blog6Tristan Rath, Senior Portraits, Tristan Rath, Senior Portraits,  

Chase's Senior Session

Chase's photo shoot is full of color and style. Here is a great selection of him. I love the extra element the car added to the photos and his awesome look.  Thanks for smiling for me for 2 hours!Chase_Blog1Chase_Blog2Chase_Blog3Chase_Blog4Chase_Blog5Chase_Blog6Chase_Blog7Chase_Blog8Chase_Blog9Chase_Blog10   

Nick's Senior Photo Shoot

We had a great photo session with Nick last week. He looks so handsome in his black suit. I love photographing in the city, it offers so many textures and fun backdrops. What an awesome photo shoot.Nick_Blog1NickMiller_Facebook_002Nick_Blog4Nick_Blog19 NickMiller_Blog_003NickMiller_Facebook_004NickMiller_Blog_005NickMiller_Facebook_008NickMiller_Facebook_007Nick Miller,  

Joe's Senior Session

Here are some of my favorites from Joe's Senior Photo Shoot. Joe is so handsome and comfortable in front of the camera, he's a natural. We had a lot of fun photographing together, we laughed and smiled the whole time.  Have a great senior year Joe!001JOe Cozzi Blog Collage-1410469224668 Joe Cozzi, Senior Portraits, 2015 Joe Cozzi, Senior Portraits, 2015 004JOe Cozzi-10X20-STORYBOARDS-FLOATING-5  JoeCozzi4   West Linn High School005Joe Cozzi-Blog Collage-1410469502147JoeCozzi5JoeCozzi6 007JOe Cozzi-Blog Collage-1410469723916

Noah's Senior Session

We had a awesome photo shoot with Noah. I love the colors in these photos and Noah is looking so handsome. We took these in May right before he graduated from Jesuit High School. Noah has also just received his Eagle rank in scouts and is off to RIT, Rochester Institute of Technology in New York. Congrats Noah and enjoy!Noah_Blog1Noah_Blog2Noah_Blog3Noah_Blog4Noah_Blog5Noah_Blog6  

Derek's Senior Session

Here are some awesome photos of Derek I took this fall. This was a special year of photography for me because I have known quite a few of the high school seniors since they were in elementary school. Derek, I met back when he was in 1st grade, he was best friends with my son for quite a few years. It was such a pleasure to photograph Derek and spend time with him now as a young man, check out his handsome portraits. He has a wonderful future ahead of him.Derek_Blog1Derek_Blog2Derek_Blog3Derek_Blog4Derek_Blog5Derek_Blog6 

Logan's Senior Session

It was such a pleasure to photograph Logan, I love the photos we captured of him. I can see the photo with the black shirt and red wall for his CD cover, he's an amazing musician and we missed him playing for us.Logan_Blog1  Logan_Blog2Logan_Blog3Logan_Blog4Logan_Blog5Logan_Blog6