Time to Schedule your High School Senior Photos

It’s three weeks into September and the school year is in full swing! Seniors, especially, are super busy in the Fall. In addition to getting back into homework, sports, clubs and other fun activities, there are also college applications, financial aid forms, cap and gown orders, and senior photos to think about. This is all very exciting!I can help you get through the Senior Photo process as painlessly as possible. Although June seems far away, the Submission Deadlines for your Senior Photos are very near.Below are the Senior Photo Submission Deadlines for 8 local high schools:West Linn High School – Oct. 29, 2015Oregon City High School – Nov. 1, 2015Tigard High School – Nov. 1, 2015Milwaukie High School – Nov. 2, 2015Lakeridge High School – Nov. 3, 2015Wilsonville High School – Jan. 5, 2016Tualatin High School – Jan. 8, 2016Lake Oswego High School – Jan. 15, 2016All senior photos submitted must be high quality (300dpi or higher) and cannot be taken from a Facebook or Instagram picture. Each high school has their own specifications and submission process – be sure to check your school’s website for details. Once you have submitted your photo, make sure that you follow up to confirm they have received it. If you do not have a professional photo to submit, the school will use the photo taken for your child’s school ID.So lets take your senior photo and get this checked off your list.A Senior Photo Session is a special time for a student, as well as for the parents. Senior photo shoots are so fun; celebrate this time together and then share it with your family and friends. It’s not every day your senior gets to be the center of attention. Watch them start to shine, relax and feel more comfortable and confident during the photo shoot. It’s a great experience for everyone!To schedule a Senior Portrait Photo Shoot, email kerrisphotos@msn.com or call at 503-382-9052.Schedule your Senior Photos now.