West Linn Photographer

Capturing your team’s personality: Outdoor headshot session for the whole Company, Tualatin Headshot Photographer

I recently had the pleasure of photographing headshots for a firm in Tigard. They requested individual photos of their employees in an outdoor setting, and over several days, we captured each person. The result was a cohesive collection of images that reflect the personality of each team member while maintaining a harmonious look. I think they turned out great!

I’m always happy to travel to your location, meet at a local park, or use my studio for your company headshots. If you’re interested in updating your professional images, please reach out!.

Lexi's Headshot Photo Session - Kerri Ann Garfield Photography

For Lexi’s professional headshot session, I took a variety of photos both outdoors in the natural light and in my studio. The goal was to convey a sense of competence and professionalism for her. Through different lighting and posing techniques, each photograph portrays a strong and confident presence, perfect for use in a professional setting. Lexi was a pleasure to work with, and I think her photos look awesome!

Harry's Senior Photos, Lake Oswego Senior Photographer

Harry is such a cool guy - so colorful and kickback! He may look serious in these photos with his 'cool model look', but he was so easy going, and I just love his hair! And when he pulled out his John Lennon glasses, I couldn't have been happier!

I love his vibrant colors and personality!! It makes me want to go kayaking!! Such a fun Senior Photo Shoot!

Wyatt's Senior Photos, Lake Oswego Senior Photographer

Wyatt’s senior photos turned out great. He’s a runner at Lakeridge and was proudly sporting his Pacer shirt in several of the photos and we walked through the forest and got some great shots. A super nice guy. Enjoy the rest of your Senior year, Wyatt!

Kayla and Jenna, West Linn Portrait Photographer

These sweet sisters surprised their Mom with the gift of portraits for Mother’s Day. We headed out to the park on a rare sunny spring day and laughed and played in the grass. I love the dandelion flowers in their hair! The photo shoot was great fun, and I know their Mom appreciated their thoughtful gift and will treasure these photos for always. Nicely done, Kayla and Jenna, you made your Mom proud!

Julia's Senior Photos, West Linn Senior Photographer

Julia’s photos have a dreamy feel to them, with a touch of sunlight, rich green ferns and lovely colors. Julia has beautiful eyes and fun curly hair, which is highlighted in her senior photos. She was so fun to photograph and happy to play along with me. She chose a park near her house that I have not photographed at before, and I’m so glad she did. It had some great fall colors and textures - lots of large rocks to sit on and tons of gorgeous Licorice Ferns all over the hillsides. Julia looks beautiful and her eyes and smile just draw you in. Thanks for choosing me as your senior photographer and for showing me a great new location!

Peyton's Senior Photos, Oregon City Senior Photographer

One of the fun things about going into Portland for a Senior Photo Shoot is that the city is always changing and it looks different each time I go. Peyton’s photo shoot has such great energy and style, he’s a natural in front of the camera and rocking some model moves too. As we ventured around we found some awesome graffiti that definitely added a pop to the photos. He looks great whether he’s in his dress shirt or a t-shirt and his photos look awesome with a big smile or a serious look. I hope you enjoy his photos! Happy Senior year, Peyton!

Richardson Family, West Linn Family Photographer

The Richardsons took advantage of my Fall mini-session with their two adorable boys. Mini-sessions can be great for families with young children - in just about 20 minutes we can get some great family and individual shots - perfect for framing, gifting, or for making holiday cards. Being the mom to three boys, I love the energy of young boys. To channel that energy into great lifestyle photos, I have them run around their parents and toss leaves into the air - so fun for them! Check out these cuties in their blog!