I photographed Mandi and the rest of the team onsite at their Portland Law office. As lawyers, they want to capture their individual personalities, while still presenting a united team feel. Going into their office and using the same studio lights for each person creates a cohesive set of photos that are great to use on their website, business cards, and other marketing material. Mandi looks awesome - so professional and confident in all her headshots!
Lori's Headshots, West Linn Headshot Photographer
Lori came to my studio for some updated headshots. We got some beautiful traditional studio portraits, and then moved to my porch to take advantage of the natural light and more of a casual look. They look so warm and inviting. For the finale, she brought in her adorable Pomsky (Pomeranian/Husky) for her own little photoshoot. I love photographing pets with their owners as they are every bit a part of the family as anyone. Little DeeDee hammed it up smiling for the treats! Enjoy Lori and DeeDee’s blog of their head shots.
Jake Hlad's Headshots, West Linn Headshot Photographer
Professional headshots aren’t just for businesses. Jake wanted some headshots taken for his engineering college application. These photos are a bit of a throwback, because he got in and is currently in his college of choice. Yay, Jake, way to go!
Acre and Loft Blog, West Linn Headshot Photographer
Noelle, Barb, and Shatrine are the three amazing women from Acre and Loft realty group. I worked with them to provide professional headshots for their new website, and I love that they put them front and center on the home page. Having all the people in your office do the headshots together makes it a lot of fun and also makes sure that everyone's photos have a cohesive look. If you’re in the market for a new home or selling your current one, give them a shout! Enjoy their photos on my blog.
Sherri Agee's Headshot, West Linn Headshot Photographer
It’s always nice to refresh your professional headshot photos, especially when you can get outside for beautiful, natural results. Sherri and I headed to a local park to capture her lovely smile and fall colors. She looks great in all of them and now has a wonderful selection of poses to use in her professional print and online media. Best wishes to you and for a successful year, Sherri!
West Linn Headshot Photographer, Kerri's Professional Headshots
Kerri wanted some outside headshots to use in her business so we headed to Lake Oswego to have some fun. She is such a delightful person and her warmth shows through in her smile. With headshots, we always want to strike a balance between being professional and casual and I think we were able to accomplish that. Thanks for choosing me, Kerri, and I wish you continued success with your business!
Professional Corporate Headshot
Take a look at the photo of yourself on your LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, or website. Does it look like you? Does it bring out an element of trust, authority, and respect? Is it current? Do you still have the same hair style? Do you even have a professional photo of yourself? If the answer to any of these questions is “no”, then you may need to invest in an updated professional headshot.
Who needs a professional corporate headshot anyway? Almost anyone in business nowadays can benefit from a professional, corporate headshot. Real estate agents, mortgage brokers, doctors, insurance agents, lawyers, landscape companies, actors, dancers, executives, authors, restaurateurs, plumbers – actually anyone who has an online presence and interacts with people.
Why can’t I just be anonymous? A lot of people don’t like to have their picture taken or try to protect their privacy by not posting their photo online. But the reality is people need to see you. Clients, vendors, business associates, and potential employers will all be checking you out online. And in order for them to feel comfortable with you, they need to see you.
Can I use the photo from my backyard picnic? We all have that favorite photo at the beach or with our family that brings back a lot of good memories. But the reality is it’s a candid shot in mediocre lighting and is probably not the professional image you want to portray.A good photographer who specializes in headshots will be able to bring out your personality and show the best in you. They will use a simple background and proper soft lighting, along with sharp focus and expert composition, and make your photo look professional and refined. Color correction and subtle re-touching afterwards can make you shine while still looking natural. The whole purpose is to have that personal touch and to convey the right tone for your personality and business.
What does a headshot tell people about me? People like to know who they are dealing with – often times before they even give you that first phone call. They need to see if you are trustworthy, if you are friendly, and if you make a good ‘first impression.’ If you don’t, they may call your competitor without ever talking to you. How many times do you go to the ‘About Us’ section of a new company and check out the principles? Think of a headshot as your professional calling card, or your personal logo. It can tell people a lot about you in just an instant. A friendly smile can convey a gregarious and approachable person; a more serious expression can convey solemnity, authority and respect. Conversely, an unflattering or outdated headshot can subconsciously tell people you don’t pay attention to details or may even give the impression of low self-esteem. Your headshot is the best way to put your best foot forward and to make a great first impression. A flattering professional headshot can help put a face to a name and helps to establish a personal connection between you and your clients, vendors, and potential employers.
I don’t have a job right now. Do I still need a headshot? Absolutely! I recently read that up to 90% of Human Resources employees will check social media profiles, especially LinkedIn and Facebook, before deciding whether or not to interview a candidate. A professional-looking profile picture can make the difference between getting that interview or not. In this situation, it is critical that you portray your digital self for the job you want.
What else can I do with my headshot? A professional headshot can be used in many ways:
Corporate Professional Headshot
On your company website and blog
On your Facebook page
On your LinkedIn profile
On your Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, and any other online social media
On your business card
In your email signature
On company literature, brochures, and other marketing material
As your bio picture for speaking engagements, seminars, tradeshows, articles you have written, book covers
On a resume for a job interview
For advertising in a magazine, newspaper, online, on a billboard or even a bus!
Pretty much anywhere you want show your personality
What are my options to get a headshot done? Ask co-workers and friends for recommendations. Once you have narrowed it down, contact your local photographer and ask about options for a photo session.Typically there are three options:
A private session at the photographer’s studio. This will usually take 1-2 hours and may include several clothing changes. Bring an assortment of colors and accessories. You would be amazed at how different your skin tone looks against different color clothes.
A private session at an outside location. This may be perfect for a less formal business and may also include clothing changes. Be prepared to be flexible to allow for weather.
An on-site session for your whole office. If there are five or more people in the same company, a photographer may be willing to set up a professional studio at your workplace. Typically, these are much shorter sessions – about 10 or 15 minutes per person. The beauty here is that you don't need to travel and the pictures will have consistency across the photos while maintaining individuality. They will have the same look, style, and lighting for use on corporate websites. That would also be a great time to have a ‘Team Photo’ taken as well.
So do yourself and your business a favor by updating your profile picture. Show the world your professional, confident self and watch your business take off. If nothing else, think of all the positive comments and likes you’ll get.
Kerri Garfield is the Owner/Photographer at Kerri Ann Garfield Photography. She is located in West Linn, OR – just outside beautiful Portland. She photographs in Lake Oswego, Oregon City, Wilsonville, Tualatin, Tigard, Beaverton, and surrounding areas.She will set up an individual photo session in her studio, at an outside location, or come to your workplace for office shots. Email kerrisphotos@msn.com for more information or visit her website at www.KerriAnnGarfield.com